Friday, August 19, 2011


My chickens and ducks are in the coop by 7:30 p.m. here lately. It has really amazed me how they go in on their own. As I watch the hens during the day I can tell who's who in the pecking order. It was noticeable not long after our new additions arrived. Pearl, who was our first hen is number one of course. Buffy is second in line, then Comet is three. Speck (temporary name) then Little Lady. Pearl is Pop's number one chick but Buffy is after the spot, she wasn't shy at all approaching him. He is such a "gentleman" rooster. When it was only him and Pearl I noticed he'd scratch a area for her and when she stepped forward he'd step back. He does that every time. They always eat before he does. What a great rooster.


They just got out of the pool.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


We made an outdoor roost for them this past Sunday. I was clearing out around the coop area and found a old cedar post. It looked like the perfect piece of wood to use. It didn't take long before each one had to try it out.
Barred Rock and Little Lady wanting to join but a little apprehensive about Buffy.
Buffy really likes it. She perched there for a while and got herself groomed in no time.
My little rooster, he is so cute and tiny. But acts as though he's as big as Pop. He's our Little Man around the coop.
Sweet little ???, still searching for a name. She sounds like a songbird when she chirps. I can always tell when she's around.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


He wanted to get to her.


Little Lady is on the wrong side of the fence.
Same here, but she doesn't seem to mind. Little Man on the other side just about can't stand it. He's the reason she's out anyway. He was chasing after her and she flew out, she just can't figure how to get back in. She's walked all around the fence but doesn't get anywhere. He's following as she goes. So cute.
Here's Comet who is also on the outside of the coop. She is so beautiful. She won't let me hold her yet.
Little Man still wanting to be with his Little Lady.
Pop had flew the coop for the afternoon too. He then decided to come back and join us for a treat.

Monday, August 8, 2011


I've had this old bridge for years under a tree in my front yard flower bed. So instead of throwing it away I decided to bring it to the chicken yard. I then planted monkey grass ( I believe that's what it's called) on each side. It had the pretty purple spikes bloomed out on it. Do you see it now? I really didn't expect it to last very long but it was pretty for a little while. I wasn't sure if the chickens would walk across it or not. I sit it near where they have their dust baths in the afternoon. Later on I got a few shots of their activity.

I see Pearl in laying at the edge of the bridge and Pop it over to the side about to stir up a mess. Buffy is underneath and the Barred Rock is having some water. By the way, the water container was clean a couple of hours earlier. Those ducks make a mess, I have to blame them. I believe Comet may be chewing on my plant and the ducks are doing one of their favorite things, eating.

Little Man and Lady are sitting on the bridge talking about their future plans for a family. That makes me very happy. The sooner the better. I've been noticing Buffy and Pop are getting a little close, Pearl might want to keep an eye on her. Ducks still doing their favorite thing.

By the time Pop finishes he is filthy. Buffy and Pearl and becoming friends for now. Pearl is the number one hen for now Buffy is next in line. Hopefully more will be laying soon. I'm almost down to my last egg. Pearl hasn't laid one in several days now. The weather I hope.

I enjoyed my afternoon watching them and taking a few pictures. They have adjusted to their new home well.
As I've heard many people say they do have their own unique personalities. I love my chickens and look forward to getting a few more.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Clean water doesn't last around here.
I believe we have three girls.
They stick together all the time. I love watching them.
The color is beginning to appear in their feathers.
Playing around in their mud puddle mini pond.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Here's Comet hiding in the corner.
The ducks are growing and getting color in their wings. I believe they're females.
A few days ago we cleared some things out and burned some scrap wood. Well guess who flew the coop and decided to have a dust bath in the remains?
This is Pop and Pearl with our new addition Little Lady.
Here she is again in the food bowl. She's such a sweet little thing, she'll come up close to me and I'll hold her sometimes.