My new chicks checking out their new living quarters.

Aren't they cuties?

My three new Silkies I bought on Friday. They are five weeks old. How I hope one of them is a female.

They went outside to their new coop for a couple of hours today. The temperature has dropped drastically, from the upper 90's on Saturday and Sunday to 60's today with rain. I'll be keeping them inside in a large pet taxi during the night for a while.

I got two Light Brahma's also. My intentions originally was Silkies but once I got there I wanted more than what I brought home. I'll be returning in a couple of weeks for a few more varieties then I'll be finished until next Spring. LOL.

The one in the back hiding is a 11 week old Polish. A totally surprising purchase for me. I've seen them in catalogs and didn't care for how they looked but once I come up on this one I couldn't turn away. He/she is eleven weeks old. Very unique looking and allowed me to hold her (I hope) for a long time before we left the hatchery with no problem. My kind of chicken.

My first female Silkie's name will be Liza.